Kansas(KS) Lottery Drawing Information
Kansas(KS) Lottery Information including Drawing Schedules, Official Site, Contacts.
Kansas Lottery |
Kansas (KS) Lottery General Information
In November of 1986, 64 percent of Kansas voters approved a constitutional amendment authorizing the creation of a state
lottery. The Kansas Legislature passed the "Kansas Lottery Act" in 1987, and the Kansas Lottery was established. The mission
of the Kansas Lottery is to produce the maximum amount of revenue possible for the State of Kansas while insuring the integrity
of all games.
The Kansas Lottery sells $1, $2, $5 and $10 scratch tickets and $1 and $2 instant pull tab games. It also offers eScratch,
a type of instant ticket in which winnings are revealed while playing interactive Internet games. In addition, Kansas Lottery
players enjoy Powerball, Super Kansas Cash, Pick 3, 2by2 and Keno lotto games. Kansas Lottery products are sold at approximately
1,900 retail locations.
Nov. 11, 1986 - 64 percent of voters say "yes" to the establishment of a state lottery in Kansas.
Nov. 12, 1987 - Ticket sales begin statewide with kick-off events held in 21 cities. Sales of the first instant game, Up
and Away, were $7 million the first week.
Kansas Lottery Commission Web Site |
Kansas Lottery Drawing Schedule |
Games |
Powerball |
Powerball Double Play |
Mega Millions |
Lotto America |
All Star Bonus |
Lucky For Life |
Super Cash |
2 By 2 |
Pick 3 Midday |
Pick 3 Evening |
Kansas Lottery Winning Numbers |
Search Past KS Lottery Numbers
Recent Kansas Powerball Numbers Recent Kansas Powerball Double Play Numbers Recent Kansas Mega Millions Numbers Recent Kansas Lotto America Numbers Recent Kansas All Star Bonus Numbers Recent Kansas Lucky For Life Numbers Recent Kansas Super Cash Numbers Recent Kansas 2 By 2 Numbers Recent Kansas Pick 3 Midday Numbers Recent Kansas Pick 3 Evening Numbers
Kansas Lottery Contact Information |
Kansas Lottery Headquarters
128 N. Kansas Ave.
Topeka, KS 66603
Topeka Regional Office
128 N. Kansas Ave.
Topeka, KS 66603
Wichita Regional Office
130 S. Market - Suite 1028
Wichita, KS 67202
Great Bend Regional Office
3007 West 10th St.
Great Bend, KS 67530